Family Day (Holiday)

School 180 Amber St, Markham, ON

No school for ALL Classes (Infant, Toddler, Casa, JK/SK & Elementary).  For all families and staff of Sunrise, we hope that you appreciate what you have and hold close to...

Good Friday (Holiday)

School 180 Amber St, Markham, ON

No school for ALL Classes (Infant, Toddler, Casa, JK/SK & Elementary).  Sunrise Montessori wishes ALL families a blessed Good Friday. May the glory of our Savior strengthen you and may...

Easter Monday (No school for JK/SK & Elem)

School 180 Amber St, Markham, ON

No school for Classes in JK/SK & Elementary Programs.  Infant, Toddler and Casa Programs will continue to operate as usual.  Sunrise Montessori wishes ALL families a blessed Easter, with peace,...

Victoria Day (Holiday)

School 180 Amber St, Markham, ON

No school for ALL Classes (Infant, Toddler, Casa, JK/SK & Elementary).  As the citizens of Canada, we must pay tribute and thank the wonderful Queen Victoria on her special day…....

Canada Day (Holiday)

School 180 Amber St, Markham, ON

No school for ALL Classes (Infant, Toddler, Casa, JK/SK & Elementary).  It's never too cold outside for Canada Day! Get together with family and friends and share the warmth for...