Family Day (Holiday)
School 180 Amber St, Markham, ONNo school for ALL Classes (Infant, Toddler, Casa, JK/SK & Elementary). For all families and staff of Sunrise, we hope that you appreciate what you have and hold close to...
No school for ALL Classes (Infant, Toddler, Casa, JK/SK & Elementary). For all families and staff of Sunrise, we hope that you appreciate what you have and hold close to...
No school for ALL Classes (Infant, Toddler, Casa, JK/SK & Elementary). Sunrise Montessori wishes ALL families a blessed Good Friday. May the glory of our Savior strengthen you and may...
No school for Classes in JK/SK & Elementary Programs. Infant, Toddler and Casa Programs will continue to operate as usual. Sunrise Montessori wishes ALL families a blessed Easter, with peace,...
No school for ALL Classes (Infant, Toddler, Casa, JK/SK & Elementary). As the citizens of Canada, we must pay tribute and thank the wonderful Queen Victoria on her special day…....
No school for ALL Classes (Infant, Toddler, Casa, JK/SK & Elementary). It's never too cold outside for Canada Day! Get together with family and friends and share the warmth for...